6 Useful Recommendations to Preventing ED
There is a universally recognized axiom: any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. For many men, maintaining healthy erectile function is a priority. However, not everyone knows the right methods to prevent the development of this insidious disorder.
Stop Smoking
Smoking is a dangerous bad habit that sooner or later leads to cardiovascular diseases, which in turn are associated with erectile dysfunction.
According to a study by K.T. McVary, S. Carrier, and H. Wessells (The Journal of Urology, 2011), smoking may increase risks of moderate or complete ED 2-fold.
Every time you smoke a cigarette, your blood vessels are stressed. Remember, healthy vessels are the key to normal erectile function.
Stop Drinking
People often take alcohol before sex because it helps to relax and become more relaxed. Small dosages of alcohol can really help before sexual intercourse. But over consumption often worsens an erection and full sexual intercourse becomes impossible.
Moreover, alcohol abuse was associated with a decrease in testosterone, the main ‘male hormone’ or the ‘King’ of male
hormones. Therefore, if you have problems with self-control and you can’t stop after the first glass, it is better to give up alcoholic beverages altogether.
Be Physically Active,
Go in For Sports
Exercise improves blood flow throughout the body, including the genital area. They also help the body cleanse itself of toxins and other harmful substances. If you are new to sports, start with mild to moderate activities, then you can gradually move to intense training and workouts with large weights. Your goal is to have minimum 30 min of activity at least 4-5 days of the week.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
Increased weight and obesity have been associated with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and impotence. Therefore, try to maintain a healthy weight and BMI (body mass index). If you already have excess weight, consult with your doctor or nutritionist about how to properly and safely get rid of it. It is harmful to completely refuse food, the so-called ‘grapefruit’ or ‘yogurt’ diets can also be dangerous for you.
Eat Properly
Smoking is a dangerous bad habit that sooner or later leads to cardiovascular diseases, which in turn are associated with erectile dysfunction.
According to a study by K.T. McVary, S. Carrier, and H. Wessells (The Journal of Urology, 2011), smoking may increase risks of moderate or complete ED 2-fold.
Every time you smoke a cigarette, your blood vessels are stressed. Remember, healthy vessels are the key to normal erectile function.
Check Overall Health
Some diseases such as diabetes can lead to erectile dysfunction. For this and other reasons, any disease should be detected at an early stage. For example, diabetes requires early and ongoing treatment, since untreated disease can lead to very dangerous complications.
If you are currently experiencing erectile dysfunction, you may still benefit from these methods as they can prevent the condition from worsening and may even alleviate symptoms.
Additionally, consider traditional treatments for erectile dysfunction such as:

These medications are generally safe, well-tolerated, and effective for most individuals.