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Is Your Erectile Function Normal? Check the Signs

Most men have experienced erectile dysfunction at least once. One-time failures are possible for everyone, but when the problem becomes systemic, this indicates an unpleasant disease called erectile dysfunction. Some men tend to interpret even regular failures as temporary malfunctions, but they simply do not want to recognize this vile disease.

How to understand if you suffer from erectile dysfunction?

Signs That Will Help Answer The Question

Confidence while achieving an erection

If you feel very unconfident and worry about the process, this may be a sign of a psychological disorder or the presence of physiological problems that make you nervous.

The hardness of the penis

If you cannot achieve an erection at all under any circumstances, then you have a serious organic dysfunction. If your penis can become hard when you are alone, but lets you down when you with a woman, then you have psychogenic problems. Insufficient rigidity may indicate ED at the initial or moderate stage.

The ability to maintain an erection during penetration

If you do this poorly, this is an alarming signal.

Maintaining an erection after ejaculation

A refractory period inevitably occurs in men after orgasm. It means the penis loses its hardness. With age, the duration of this period increases. However, if the organ extremely rapidly loses an erection immediately after ejaculation, this may be a sign of an improper condition of erectile function.

Satisfactory sexual activity

If your adventures in bed do not bring you satisfaction and instead cause a feeling of frustration and additional experiences, you should consult a doctor, at least a sexologist (since this situation can be caused not only by health disorders but also by interpersonal problems between partners).

If all of the above circumstances are negative, that is, you feel insecure when getting an erection, the hardness of the penis is insufficient or virtually absent, and so on, then you suffer from moderate or severe ED. If only a few have a negative tint, you may have mild ED or some psychological problems.

What Are The Risks Of Developing Erectile Dysfunction?

Most often, erectile dysfunction is a consequence of the following factors (combined or single):

  • smoking
  • heart disease and diabetes
  • drug use and excessive alcohol consumption
  • the use of certain medications, in particular, antidepressants, drugs to treat benign prostate hyperplasia etc.
  • obesity and overweight
  • injuries that result in damage to nerves or arteries that play key role in achieving an erection
  • psychological disorders, such as depression and anxiety

In general, the healthier the person, the lower the risks of developing ED and vice versa. Age itself is not a factor od ED development, however, older males often suffer from a variety of diseases that might cause impotence.

What To Do?

Erectile dysfunction may indicate the presence of more serious disorders in the body. This disease itself is not life threatening, although it has a frustrating effect. To conduct a comprehensive diagnosis, you should consult a doctor, do the necessary tests, undergo a physical examination, etc. This will help identify other potential health problems and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Erectile dysfunction is treatable in most cases. Effective medications for oral administration can eliminate the symptoms of the disease in half an hour. But keep in mind that Viagra and Cialis are not a panacea. To get rid of the disease, you need to eliminate the root problem, for example, psychological disorder, poor state of blood vessels, low testosterone levels. Therefore, you should definitely consider and implement lifestyle changes, adjust principles of your nutrition. It is also very important to be physically active. Training and even simple walking accelerate the flow blood throughout the body, which positively affects all organs and systems, including the reproductive one.

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